I am a French Literature and Language graduate with four years experience tutoring French, Mathematics and English as a second language. I also tutor in basic needlework skills. I graduated from Oxford with a first-class degree in French in 2020, prior to which I spent a year in Martinique teaching English as a foreign language with the British Council. I also specialize in infant English-language acquisition and Oxbridge application preparation.
How I tutor
Inspiring a thirst for learning is my main priority as a tutor. Improving confidence, particularly with languages, is as crucial as learning vocabulary and verb tables. I constantly try to find ways to let students forget that they are learning another language and instead start using it unselfconsciously – and ultimately have fun doing it.
Why I tutor
A quality education opens worlds of opportunities. A quality tutor allows students to learn how best to learn, and how to mobilise that learning to open those opportunities. I want to give my students, particularly from less advantaged backgrounds, the opportunity to maximise their education and sustain a thirst for learning.
B.A. French, University of Oxford (1st Class).
A-Level- Maths (A*), History (A*), French (A).
Grade 8 tenor saxophone (Distinction).
‘I am honoured to recommend Frederick Wolff.
I have known him for a long time, and I have had the opportunity to work with him at Eugène Mona junior high school in Marigot, Martinique, during the academic year October 2018/ May 2019. He has worked as a language assistant under my supervision as an English teacher.
His sense of multicultural relations was impressive and inspiring for the students. He made many contributions in organising ERASMUS+ cultural exchange trips across Europe. He also got on well with staff and far exceeded the expectations that were asked of him. He is open-minded and flexible. I have faith that he will live up to encompass your every expectation.’
Marie Josée Thelineau