Learn in the right way for you
Every tutoring relationship varies and there are always different goals in mind. However, here are six common areas that our tutors cover.
Our tutors know about the specifics of different examination bodies, and they have a wide range of experience with 7+, 11+, ISEB, GCSE, iGCSE, A-Level and IB. They are here to talk your child through AQA, Cambridge Pre-U, Edexcel, IB, OCR and SAT exams.
Our tutors are not only here to set academic goals or push towards deadlines. They are also friendly, approachable and enthusiastic, with a wide range of interests outside of the classroom. A mentor is for those who need a nudge in the right direction when writing an essay or chivvying along when examination season looms. Our tutors are also experienced with persons with learning difficulties such as dyslexia and ADHD.
Entrance Tests
The process of getting into a school of choice is stressful for both parents and students. Our tutors always have one eye on the pressures that a child is facing and another on the exam ahead, which makes sure our pupils feel well cared for and don't experience 'burnout'. Our tutors are experienced at getting pupils into the schools of their choice, and tailor their lessons to the specifics of the entrance exams to some of the most sought-after schools in the country.
We provide tuition for 7+, 11+ and 13+ Common Entrance, sixth form and university entrance. We also assist with scholarship exams.
University Tuition
Our tutors have experience helping would-be students get into the university of their choice. They have assisted students wanting to get into a range of universities, from Russell Group to Ivy League. We also provide Oxbridge interview practice sessions and UCAS help.
Oxbridge Enrichment
For those with interviews coming up, or who want to experience the more general, mind-expanding process of a university tutorial, we provide 'Oxbridge enrichment' courses. One of our tutors will prepare a course of intellectually challenging lessons in the style of an Oxford tutorial, where the onus is on debate, thinking laterally and drawing unexpected parallels between subjects.
OxThink Group Classes
Our unique OxThink Group Classes bring together a small number of students with one of our tutors in an intensive online learning environment. Not only are these classes personalised, with our tutors addressing specific problem areas, but they also have the benefits of collaborative learning and a more social tutoring experience.