
I am a Development Studies Masters student at SOAS and did my undergraduate in History and Politics at Oxford. I have experience tutoring online and specialise in history and politics, essay skills and university applications.

How I tutor

I prepare carefully for each session so as to make the most out of the time we have. I encourage students to follow their interests and will try to bring clarity to tricky concepts and topic in an unpatronising, interactive way. I don’t like to lecture pupils, and will spend lots of time planning our next session according to the student’s needs as I get to know them better.

Why I tutor

I am grateful to have had an amazing education and I know my love of learning has largely been a result of having great teachers. I want to inspire students to discover what they love to learn and help them excel in it. Equally as important, I want to help students who have not yet found their passion to approach all of their subjects with confidence, enthusiasm and an open mind.


  • MSc Development Studies (no mark yet).

  • BA History and Politics (2.i: 68).


  • History (A), Government and Politics (A), French (A).


  • Biology (A), Critical Thinking (A).


  • English Literature (A), English Language (A), Art (A), Biology (A*), Chemistry (A*), Physics (A*), French (A*), Maths (A*), History (A*), Geography (A*).


  • Speech and Drama Grade 8 (Distinction).