
I am an Oxford Physics graduate with over 5 years of maths and science tutoring experience. I have experience tutoring a range of different levels and abilities, from 11+ preparation to Oxbridge admissions tests and interviews. I specialise in maths and physics, A-Level and GCSE preparation.

How I tutor

My method of tutoring is to be affable and motivating, with a real focus on cultivating an understanding of the key reasons and concepts of the subject, along with an emphasis on exam technique. This involves engaging with my students to enhance not only their grades but also their enjoyment of the subject matter. Having only recently left education myself, I have a practical knowledge of the school system which allows me to create examples and questions to help improve problematic areas of the syllabus.

Why I tutor

I have always enjoyed maths and science for their ability to describe the world around us with elegant mathematical precision. Studying physics at Oxford allowed me to pursue this interest of understanding the universe from the sub-atomic to the cosmological scale. Oxford provided an excellent environment for learning and collaborating with both tutors and students. My year-long masters project was a fascinating opportunity to apply theories from the course to a real-world research project. For the last few years, tutoring has offered an outlet to compliment my own learning and a chance to share my own enthusiasm for the subjects. Helping a student develop and seeing their passion for the subject grow has proved immensely satisfying.



  • Maths (A*), Further Maths (A*), Further Additional Maths (A*), Physics (A*), Chemistry (A*)


  • 11 A*.


  • Academic Exhibition into secondary school.


  • Maths (KS1 to A Level).

  • Physics (KS1 to A Level).

  • Chemistry (KS1 to A Level).

  • Oxbridge interview preparation.